..yesterday I made my oral exam of Che zech Lexikology.. then I went to my boyfrined's place, but I was so tired, that I slept almost all afternoon.. and today, when I should start to prepaire for my latin test? I still have some sore throat and sooo lazy, I haven't even look at it.. but for the other side, I practised my english, haha.. by watching a beautiful movie La Belle Personne in french but with the english subtitles, because czech subtitles for this movie doesn't even exist :D.. I think my love for chamber romantic french films from the The Sleapers' era is back .)! Love those beautiful people, envolving of their characters, interesting web of their relations, that specific colours, which I can't named ..and of course that lovely french language! I really recomment you this movie!.. here's one screenshot I made at least.. but watch it all ;)!
..and there's another lovely thing of today! in the morning I got an envelope with these beauties :)! they're pincushions made by one skilfull lady from fler.cz :).. aren't they too pretty for the needles? so I desided to use the blue one as the pincushion and the second one as a decoration .) ... hope you like it as much as I do .)!
ty jsou n á d h e r n é! jdou koupit i jinak, než přes fleur? třeba přes tebe přímo? :) za kolik tyhle věcičky vlastně máš? zamilovala jsem se :)
OdpovědětVymazatah, jsem trubka.. nejsou na prodej. :) ale jsou přenádherný!
OdpovědětVymazatprávěže já je koupila ne fleru .), taky jsem se beznadějně zamilovala... :)
OdpovědětVymazattady je ta šikovná paní (nefungují mi hyperlinky v textu :/) http://www.fler.cz/estra