When I'm looking at my last post, which is from 18th March, I think it's really time for a new post! (I didn't post anything also because my digital camera it broken :( and I really wish I could share with U my pics of that lovely spring flowers I have in my room, but there are only photos on the film, which is still in my Pentax camera...)
And because it's my 100th post, I thought it should be something special! So...
Our "one-use camera" have been wainting for processing for very long time, so during that time it made some funny effect on the film and here it is... ♥
I like especialy that one with "the hills", is is quite strange and has some interesting atmosphere I think..
And there were also some really old photos of us (f.e. from out first Colours 08 music festival) which made us laugh :))!
Hope U like it! And have a nice sunny weekend :)!

All photos Copyright ©2011 Denisa Tkacikova. All rights reserved.
And because it's my 100th post, I thought it should be something special! So...
Our "one-use camera" have been wainting for processing for very long time, so during that time it made some funny effect on the film and here it is... ♥
I like especialy that one with "the hills", is is quite strange and has some interesting atmosphere I think..
And there were also some really old photos of us (f.e. from out first Colours 08 music festival) which made us laugh :))!
Hope U like it! And have a nice sunny weekend :)!

All photos Copyright ©2011 Denisa Tkacikova. All rights reserved.
první dvě fotky se mi moc líbí! působí na mě berlínsky (ne, že by mi Ostrava nestačila=D)..
OdpovědětVymazatnechtěla bys 1. 4. zajít na kafe? máme od 17.00 hod. sraz ostravských blogerek v Eurocafe One (někde vedle Parníku). nelekej se, budou tam fashion blogerky, ale i normální blogerky jako já a Almendra (koutek slov); takže bysme si všechny měly mít co říct..
rozmysli to a ozvi se mi, když budeš chtít, ano?!
taky měj krásný weekend!=)
Dennie, thank you so much for your lovely comment! It's so wonderful to read that there are some people who like what I do :-) it gives me energy to do more and better.
OdpovědětVymazatGreat post!
Sweet weekend
Pěkné fotky, hlavně ta poslední. :)