
funny effects.

When I'm looking at my last post, which is from 18th March, I think it's really time for a new post! (I didn't post anything also because my digital camera it broken :( and I really wish I could share with U my pics of that lovely spring flowers I have in my room, but there are only photos on the film, which is still in my Pentax camera...)

And because it's my 100th post, I thought it should be something special! So...

Our "one-use camera" have been wainting for processing for very long time, so during that time it made some funny effect on the film and here it is... ♥
I like especialy that one with "the hills", is is quite strange and has some interesting atmosphere I think..
And there were also some really old photos of us (f.e. from out first Colours 08 music festival) which made us laugh :))!
Hope U like it! And have a nice sunny weekend :)!

All photos Copyright ©2011 Denisa Tkacikova. All rights reserved.


a breath-taking short movie!

JUST, WOW! I found this lovely short movie on this lovely blog and I just had to share it :)! So, do you like it as much as I do?



.. these beauties for my ears arrived few days ago .. they're made by ZuFi from fler.cz (click and take a look at her lovely dreamy accesorries ♥!) and I love them so much!..
..thanks a lot, Zu ♥!..

Copyright ©2011 Zuzana Flillingerova. All rights reserved.



..was a wonderful day ♥!
I was doing all the things and activities I love :)... I was having a breakfast with my bf ♥, I was taking some photos from one place I wanted to photographed for a long time, I was listening to a quite cool lecture by one cool docent from our university, having a delicious lunch at my favourite korean restaurant and tasty black Brazilian coffee at the "Literary café", reading great novel by one young czech author, browsing some beautiful photos and now I'm having a a cup of tea and I'm drawing... ♥
..and sun was shining whole day! yay, what a great day ♥!..
I wish to have more days like this one this year!

here is a photo (taken with mobile) of my delicious korean lunch
- korean noodles with chicken and kimchi ♥


..in the morning sun..